Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Throwing a Fit

My life is not all sunshine and roses. Kenly has opinions now, and she's not afraid to throw a "dying duck" fit when she doesn't get her way. I'm not a cruel mother who videos the fits for fun either. I wanted proof of this day. Daddy needed to see why I was a cranked out grumpy pants when he came home.

This is the tail end of a 45 minute fit that started when I forced Kenly to leave the park because she was not listening to her mommy. I shudder to even relive it.

The beautiful part about being a mom is that you can love your child through these terrible fits. It's a supernatural gift from God, a strength that allows me to see Kenly's beauty and strengths in the midst of her awful temper and ill behavior. I guess that's how God feels about me most of the time.


Shannon a.k.a. that thing you see moving under the laundry said...

so sorry, but that makes me laugh! "open open open open" Just think, I will soon be there with two of them. Can you imagine? It will be duck fits in stereo!

Jennaug10 said...

I know exactly how you feel.