Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Year's Interview

I'm stealing this wonderful idea from a random blog I read the other day. While I know that Kenly can't talk, her actions helped answer this interview.

Favorite food--Formula and pears (oh how I wish I could still say breast milk)
Favorite vegetable--squash (her only veggie)
Favorite toy--Elliston the elephant(name given by mama and daddy) a purple elephant that sings when you pull the ring in its nose.
Favorite game--Rocket Ship with Daddy and Near and Far with Mama
Favorite books--Up and Down, Bedtime Peek-a-boo, and Flyaway Ladybug
Favorite holiday--Christmas (whose doesn't love hanging out with your family--the twinkle lights are cool too)
Favorite animals--elephants, zebras, and a stuffed duck
What is something you like about Mama?--her snuggles
What is something you like about Daddy?--When the sugar hound attacks me and bath time with my Da.

1 comment:

Jennaug10 said...

Makayla has that elephant and that has always been her favorite. She has the giraffe too!