Sunday, September 12, 2010

Feeding the Ducks--Patton Park

Adam had parent-teacher night on Tuesday, so Kenly and I took advantage of some cool evening weather. The ducks at Patton Park are rather tame, so I set her loose with a bag full of various stale breads. She loves feeding and chasing ducks. I took these photos in RAW, and so far, I'm not a huge fan of the format. I spent a good deal of time editing these photos in Lightroom 3, and I'm pleased with the results. I'm still getting the hang of things, so I might look back at these in about 5 years and wonder why I thought they looked so good. I want the colors to be vibrant, but not unnatural. A few of the photos have some blur to them, but I don't have a problem with that at all.

This is my favorite action shot of Kenly feeding the birds. One lady came up to me after we were through feeding the ducks. She asked, "She'd not afraid of all those ducks around her feet?"

Apparently not.
I love that she looks so thrilled to be standing next to ducks. Having a duck themed second birthday was a fantastic idea. These feathered friends have not lost their appeal.

When the bread runs out, Kenly really gets to let lose and have some fun.
She chases the ducks all around the park. She squeals with glee if she can get one to fly. No success on this trip, but a little boy joined the quest and sent about ten ducks flying.

I can hear her saying, "I'm gonna get you, ducks."

To me, Kenly looks two going on seventeen in this photo. She knows she's cool, and you can't share her bench.

She also had fun climbing this big rock in the park.
Feeding the duck is all that it is quacked up to sorry...couldn't resist the awful pun.

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