Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Means Fun

Summer means fun, days of splashing in the water and turning all wrinkly from the exposure.
Summer is letting the water beads slowly cool your body from the scorching heat.

Summer means reaching out and grabbing life and enjoying every second of playtime the season offers.
Summer means finding thrilling surprises that take your breath away at every turn.
Summer is taking chances...even if they are a little scary at first.

Nana and Papa came by for a brief visit the other day. While they were here, Papa and Daddy built Kenly a swing set. I'll have to post pictures of it later, but it rocks. It's creek side. Kenly is in love.

We went to feed the ducks at Lake Jillian one day during their visit. The ducks and geese at LJ are hardcore. They will come up and steal your bread if you are not careful. One of the ducks bit Nana.

And of course, if you get hungry while feeding the ducks, you can just help yourself. (Note: The bread was freshly purchased before our feeding expedition. Rest assured that I would not let my child eat moldy, stale bread. Nana wouldn't either.)

1 comment:

Tiff said...

WAAAAHOOOOO!! Nothing says "summer" like running through a giraffe sprinkler :)
And feeding the ducks!