Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Arts and Crafts
When I went to MOPS last month, we did a craft that I thought was really cute. You should know that I am not crafty. I sometimes have a cool idea, but arts and crafts are not my forte. We made these adorable tea light candles using only mod podge, construction paper, orange crepe paper, and baby food jars. I loved how the pumpkins turned out, and next year Kenly and I will add a Frankenstein and a Mummy to our collection. This time I'll let her do most of the work. It will be a stick fun mess.
Kenly is beginning to understand the joy of coloring on paper or on any stationary object, namely the coffee table. I, for one, am so happy she is learning to love coloring. I think the world's problems could be solved with a big box of Crayolas and a jumbo coloring book. Anyways, I digress. She has also learned to love stickers. Nana and Papa sent her two sets of stickers in a care package and she is "stuck" on stickers now. I have to spell the word if I'm talking about them and am not prepared to sit down and watch her handwork. The other day we got out some paper, her crayons, and some Halloween stickers, and we created Daddy a masterpiece. He loves it so much, it is hanging on the wall on his side of the bed. And to think...some people pay loads of money for art.

Kenly is slowly teaching me to let go of my perfectionism. For instance, the first time she stacked stickers on top of each other, I fixed it. I showed her how to spread them out all over the page. She shot me a look that said, "I see you've gone crazy. That is not how to do it at all." So, I stepped back and let her have creative license. And I must say, her art is so much better than anything I could have done myself. The part of me that cringes because she stacked 10 stickers one-on-top-of-the-other had to let go and loosen up, and I so much better for it.
Look at this masterpiece. Right now she lets me help with words and with a picture here or there, but before long, she'll be saying, "No...Me do it," and I'll just have to watch and let her go and stop being a backseat driver artist.

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