Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Me Monday--Too Many Nots to Count

Welcome to Not Me Monday, a blog carnival created by MckMama to celebrate what we haven't been doing all week. Come on and admit your imperfections--free your mind of those less than stellar moments in motherhood. Don't forget to head over and read what the rest of the world has not been doing.

This past week I've been way off my game, so hold on to your hats. The windstorm of "Not Mes" could knock you right over.

* While trying to make dinner from what was left in the pantry I did not find some horribly expired food lurking in the back corners. How bad could it be, you ask? Well, I found Chicken Helper that should have been used by November 2001 and some Northern Bean that should have been served by January of 2006. Don't fear. The food made its way to the trash and not our mouths.

* Last Tuesday I did not dash to the car and speed down the driveway only to screech to a halt before I ever left the driveway because I realized I had never put on a bra. I decided to be late for Bible study instead of going without. These ladies are my close friends, but it was cold, and I didn't want them to notice, well, you know. My husband did not announce...that's a Not Me Monday moment when I returned to right my wrong.

* The Mama Bear in me did not come out when I picked Kenly up from a nursery on Wednesday. I did not want to make a scene because I felt she had not been taken care of well. I'm always calm, cool, and collected. I'm not still hot under the collar about the incident. I never hold on to things. That kind of behavior is poison.

* On Wednesday afternoon the bug guy did not show up to treat the house only to find me asleep, in my pajamas, again with no bra at 2:00 in the afternoon. I'm always doing something productive around the house while Kenly naps. I was not really bummed that my snooze was interrupted.

* Kenly did not pee the floor AGAIN this week while taking the short walk from the changing table to the bathroom. I mean really. Couldn't she wait until she was in the tub so I'd never know?

* I did not wait until the last minute to order $100.00 of diapers online only to realize they will never arrive on time. With only three diapers remaining, I did not drag my sorry self to the store to purchase more diapers even though the mother load is on the way.

* While at the store this morning, I did not forget to buy more milk for my precious daughter. I always remember to write everything on the list.

* I did not allow Kenly to watch hours of TV on Friday because I was sick and miserable. I always suck it up and do the right thing even when I don't feel good. Sesame Street and Sid the Science Kid can't be that bad, right?

* I did not sleep most of the weekend while leaving Adam to care for the house, Kenly, and Chance. I can keep going even when my head feels like it is going to blow up.

* I did not say out loud and in public...."Your child behaves so much better than mine." I know that type of behavior is not acceptable or healthy.

See. I told you. Don't you feel better about yourself. What have you not been doing this week?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Love it! Too many of those sound like me!