Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Splash pads and shiny white hineys

Adam's high school and college buddies all flew in for a weekend of fun, so Kenly and I took off to Augusta to soak up some Nana and Papa love. While we were there, we went to a splash pad twice and went to Mrs. Dale's pool to float around a bit. Staying in some sort of water is a good way to beat the Augusta heat. Kenly had a blast playing. When she first saw the splash pad, she was a little hesitant, but after about 10 minutes, she was trying to mimic the big kids. She was so brave it scared me a few times. Nana and Papa both got drenched playing with Kenly. I tried to stay dry, but every time I got near one of the water guns, some kid would soak me, if you can't beat them, join them, right?

On our last day at the splash pad, Kenly was exploring one of the big fountains when the splash pad went into water save mode. She got closer to the fountain to investigate why her water stopped spraying about the time a big kid pressed the button to start everything up again. The big splash startled Kenly which caused her to grasp on to the closest stationary object which happened to be the bikini bottoms that belonged to an 8 year old girl. The sudden grasp scared the girl who then took off running, dragging Kenly behind her. All I saw was a naked white hiney dragging my daughter who had a death grip on her bikini bottoms. I screamed STOP and detached a rather dazed Kenly from the girl she "depantsed". Once in my arms, the tears came and so did the boo-boos. She had ouchies on both knees, a finger, a toe, and on her forehead. She was a scraped up mess. We got her changed into dry clothes, and a Ritz cracker (cookie) and some time in a swing settled her right down. I gave her Tylenol for the ride home, and she slept like a champ because she was exhausted from all the fun and drama. That night she was pitiful in her sleep. Every time she rolled over, she cried out because something hurt. But, she'll do it all over again. A few scrapes is a small price to pay for great adventure.

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