Monday, May 11, 2009

Nine Months

Kenly turned nine months old on Saturday. I can't believe how quickly time flies. I blinked and she's already almost a year old. We celebrated with a few bath pictures and elaborate praise for another milestone mastered. She'll probably kill me one day for putting all these bath pictures up, but hey, they're really stinking cute.

She'd stay in the tub until she was a shriveled prune if we'd let her. She loves to play with the many bath toys you see floating. I gave up trying to keep the bath toys out of her mouth. Now I just try to keep the tub clean.

On Saturday morning, I walked in to find Kenly standing in her crib for the first time. She looked so please with herself that I just had to bust out laughing. She has not mastered the sitting down yet, but she's a quick study. Leave it to my little drama queen to "master" standing on her nine month birthday.

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