Friday, November 14, 2008

When it rains,...

Here's Grandpa with Kenly about two weeks before he passed away. pours. I hate to use a tired cliche, but that's how I feel right now. In the midst of a beautiful beautiful time of blessing, Adam and I have also been plagued with a ton of trial. I use the word plagued because I've felt like an Old Testament plague has fallen on our house in the past few weeks. We've faced so many things, and even though we've been knocked down, Adam and I keep getting back up again to face the next challenge. I'm so glad he's by my side. So, in a nut shell....

*Adam had knee surgery which seriously limits his mobility which drives my "oh so active" husband bonkers.

*I start having serious roving joint pain, and I'm told that I might have RA (rheumatoid arthritis). I'll find out for sure on Monday. If it is RA, I'll have to go on some mega drugs which will end my breast feeding days. This devastates me. Although I've fed Kenly for over 3 months now, my goal was a year. I was willing to go the distance, so I feel a little invaded and robbed by what is going on in my body.

*The dog gets an eye infection and has to have drops.

*My grandfather passes away.

I just feel a little ganged up on and defeated, but I know that the big guy has my back and that my family will not stay under this little black rain cloud forever. We'll be victorious, and the sunny day that is in our near future will feel so bright, warm, and inviting. I just keep reminding myself of how blessed we are, and of how much worse things could be. One of my dad's friend, Mr. Kirk, reminded me of that with an unexpected card that made my day. So, I'll close by counting my blessing.

*I have an amazing support system of family and friends who reach out to help even when I'm too proud to ask.

*I have an amazing husband who loves me even when I'm out of my mind with fatigue. He keeps giving even when I can't, and he'll hug me even when I smell like baby spit up. That is true love.

*I have a beautiful, healthy baby girl who thinks I hung the moon. Planet Mommy is her favorite place to be.

*I got to go on a date with my husband to see Dar Williams perform, and her music was so good for my soul. Kenly stayed with Mama and Daddy and clung to my PJ pants until I returned.

*We had Shauna, Walt, and Derek up for a weekend, and I was able to show them our new all of its crazy madness. It was good to be surrounded by laughter and friendship. They stacked wood for us since Adam and I can't.

*I was able to go to my Grandfather's funeral in Commerce, GA because my amazing husband took off a day to make the trip with me even though it was the end of the six weeks. So, even though I couldn't be there when he passed, I got to pay my respects, and hug my grandma who has now lost two husbands. My husband is still healthy and by my side.
*Kenly was able to meet Grandpa before he passed away.

*I wasn't supposed to see a specialist about my RA until 12/9. I got in two weeks ago because of the faithful prayers of friends and family. I'll get real answers on Monday.

*Even though I might lose the privilege of breast feeding Kenly, she got 3 months of the best milk that I could give, and she'll continue to thrive on formula. This will give me a much needed break and it will give her the opportunity to bond with many other people who love her too.

*I get to stay home and teach a "classroom of one." I'm so humbled by that responsibility and so excited that I'll be the one who sees the firsts.

* I have love in my life.

*I have a God who loves me even when I mess up.

*I got a good night's sleep last night.

*I am watching my peaceful, beautiful daughter sleep even as I type these words.

What more can I ask for?


Shannon a.k.a. that thing you see moving under the laundry said...

What great pictures of you and Kenly. She has gotten so big! It does feel like it is pouring when all that stuff happens at once. You are smart to "count your blessings". God has shown me how generally ungrateful I am. At times I do the same and it seems to help my perspective a little. Love you girl! Kenly is gorgeous. You look awesome!

Mother Letter said...
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Mother Letter said...

Thanks so much for following the project over on I'm looking forward to letters from your sphere of influence.

Thanks again,

Jennaug10 said...

Rhonda, So sorry to hear about your Granfather! It is always harder to lose a loved one so close to the holidays. I know that from experience. I lost two uncles with in one week of each other this time last year! Kenly is so beautiful and getting so big! Makayla is more and more mobile everyday it is crazy, i don't want her to be yet, but oh well, she is! Enjoy the time you have with Kenly, not being mobile it will soon change! You all are in our prayers! Happy Thanksgiving!

Leigh Ann said...

I am sorry to learn that the euyore syndrome has landed at your place I thought that pesky cloud that pours down problems only followed me home. I am very, very saddened to learn of your grandfather, he was a good man. I will be lifting all of you up as you heal from all the craziness in your life. May emotional, spiritual, and physical healing soon beacon a return into your lives. Love you!!!