My sweet friend Suzanne gave Corah this outfit, and I'm amazed at how cute she looked in it. I think animal print suits her.
I was finally able to get a shot of Corah's blue eyes. They are striking, and they are still blue now. Since Kenly has chocolate brown eyes, I think it would be really cool for Corah to keep her baby blues.
Corah has never been a big fan of tummy time. She will tolerate it for a short while and then she pitches an angry fit until someone puts roll her on to her back. She rolled over for the first time on March 6th, but she is not in a hurry master the skill. I'm predicting that she will go from laying on her back to running wind sprints.
Corah loves to snuggle her toys. Santa brought her Boo Bear, and the lovely Eeyore came from my friend Missy who is trying to make sure that every child she knows grows up thinking that donkeys are amazing.
Corah is truly the happiest baby I have ever known. She is always smiling and happy, except when she is not, which isn't often. She giggles and squeals; here recently she is talking my ears off (even in the middle of the night). This morning at 4am she reached up and lovingly touched my face. While she was melting my heart, I swear she said Mama. I know she doesn't know what Mama means, but I didn't care. I was over the moon. I didn't even care that she talked for the next 45 minutes. The girl called me by the most precious name in all the world.
Kenly has taken an interest in doing her own hair and in doing mine. One day she got out the hair bow caddy that Nana and Papa got her for Christmas. I was in for a treat as she made me look beautiful.
I think this will be all the rage soon....
I love that my stylist allows me to pay her with kisses and hugs.
Mops came up in January and stayed with us for about a week. It was so nice to have an extra pair of hands. I had to go to my RA doctor and it was nice to be able to leave Kenly with Mops while Corah and I ventured out. I wasn't ready to handle them both in a doctors office back in January.
Zebra print on a sleeping baby. Looking back I can't believe how much she slept. She slept through Papa putting together her chest of drawers with a hammer. She slept in swings. In the bouncy. Now she will only sleep in her crib or in the Ergo when we are out and about. She doesn't want to be held when she's tired. Sing her a song. Put her in the crib, and life is good. Oh how different. Kenly didn't sleep. Adam sang her at least 10 songs a night while rocking her.
Kenly is slowly showing more interest in Corah. Corah has always been in love with Kenly. When Kenly dances or sings, Corah loses her mind and laughs uncontrollably. Kenly is by far Corah's favorite person.
I can't believe how much they look alike. I loaded Mom and Dad's digital photo frame with pictures of both girls. Everyone kept asking...Is that Corah or Kenly?
I love a yawning baby.
Blue Eyes Smiling at Me. Nothing but blue eyes, do I see.
When she was about two months old, Corah would wrinkle her forehead as if she was really perplexed about something. You can see a hint of that furrowed brow in this picture of her working on her abs.
Corah spent some time with Kenly and me while we made Valentine's Day Cards for a few special people. This card was for her Daddy. Look at that baby rocking the Bumbo.
Kenly dressed like Fancy Nancy and did a bit of abstract painting to Flo Rider. I can hear the music just looking at this picture.
Looking at January's pictures, you'd think that Corah only spends time on her tummy. More furrowed brow in this picture. I'd love to know what she is thinking.
I asked Kenly to bring Corah a few toys while Adam and I got dinner ready. Next thing I knew, Corah was covered in toys. Kenly takes her big sister jobs seriously.
Kenly loved the singing star on the play mat. Corah can't decide. Some days she stares transfixed, but others she cries like it is the scariest thing on the face of the Earth.
Corah's first real smiles were always for Kenly. If Kenly got anywhere near her, she would but out in a gummy grin.
Since I'm so far behind, I'm shocked when I go back and look at these pictures. Corah looks so small in this picture. She has almost outgrown her bouncy seat. Thank goodness for the Exersaucer.
Santa brought Kenly a Leap Pad for Christmas. She loves playing it while I nurse Corah. She loves her ebooks and her Art Studio. I love looking at all the pictures and videos she takes. Some of them are really funny.
Is it just me, or does she look three going on 13 in this picture? Where did my baby go?
Corah hated baths at first, but she has slowly changed her opinion. She outgrew the baby tub quickly, so now she has her baths in the regular tub. She splashed and squeals. When she's better at sitting on her own, I think it will be fun to put both girls in the tub together.
Corah loves to chew on her hands too. She takes the binky too, so I don't know what she will choose in the end...fingers or binky?
Kenly discovered some old baby hats and decided to reclaim them for her own use.
Lamby dressed up as a blueberry and Kenly decided to be a strawberry.
Meghan gave Corah these pajamas while we were still in the hospital. I love the monkeys on the butt and feet.
Okay...maybe she doesn't hate tummy time. Did I mention that she is a happy baby?
Kenly sometimes gets jealous when I take pictures of Corah. She's start dancing and posing and begging me to take pictures of her. She loves practicing her pouty lip from hip hop class. O
Pulling out some of her hip hop moves, complete with her attitude lips.
Feeling the music.
Busting out the sprinkler.
Showing off a few graceful moves from ballet.
More shots of her blue eyes and her button nose.
More ballet moves...
I don't think they teach this in dance class. Who knows what inspired her to smell her feet, but it makes for a great picture.
I love that she has to close her eyes when she dances. However, this occasionally leads to wipe outs.
For awhile the only way we could get Corah to burp was to slightly lift her chin during the burping process. The "face lift" always accentuated those cheeks.
If the shirt fits...
Mops enjoyed getting to know her second grandchild. All this girlie stuff is new territory since she had two boys. I think she kinda likes the new realm of all things pink and purple.
Baby Coma at its finest. I had just taken Corah out of the Ergo. She stayed asleep even with all that jostling.
Looking up to big sissy already.
Grandma gave Corah this shirt for Christmas, and I wanted to take a few pictures for her.
More dancing in her Tinker Bell pajamas. Some days I have to beg Kenly to get out of these pajamas. Some days she will even throw a fit because she "really wants to wear them to Walmart."
I want to take lessons from my three year old. I haven't danced like no one is watching since I was about 12.
Corah pulls out a goofy face every once in awhile.
Beautiful baby hands...I love them.
Finally....a smile for Mommy.
Kenly loves showing Corah how to do tummy time. She's pretty much a tummy time expert. She's also Corah's personal cheerleader during tummy time.
Corah was a trooper during her first shots. She had one oral vaccine and three separate sticks. I think I cried more than she did...or at least I wanted to. The worst part is that Corah started producing real tears at about five weeks. Picture that face tortured with the pain of three make it worse by picturing streams of tears running down her face. Misery.
Baths are fun.
One day she will kill me for posting this picture. But, I think the cellulite on her butt cheeks is adorable and I love the "drapes" of fat on her back. Mama milk is helping her fill out her girlish figure.
I adore this picture.
Chillin' in my Bumbo chair while Sissy and Mommy do crafts.
One more picture to prove that baths are now relaxing events.
Kenly even convinced Daddy to don one of the hats. I love that man.
I didn't bother to put January's pictures in order either. The month flew by, but I did manage to take a few pictures in the midst of all the hubbub that comes with keeping two children happy and healthy.
I love the whole story and ALL the pics. And you know I love Dancing Kenly.
I giggled when you said she wants to wear her PJ's to Wal Mart... well? Why not? Everyone else does! LOL!
I love the one with all of the barrettes in your hair! Looks like you and Kenly were having a blast!
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