I had a miserable night's sleep last night. I don't think I'm exaggerating if I say that I got up about 13 times. Only one of those awake periods was because of Kenly. I was hot and miserable. Add to that combination a bladder than can't hold more than three drops of urine these days, and you have the recipe for a long, hard night. So, when Kenly woke me at 4:30 to take her to the bathroom, I opened the window and prayed that God would let her sleep until at least 7:30. When I heard her call, "Mommy, I need you." I opened my eyes to faint light and just knew it was 6:00 AM. After I discovered it was 7:45, I think I murmured, "Thank you, Jesus." Blessing number one.
Kenly and I followed our morning routine and then headed to the library for story time with Mrs. Cathy. A new mother walked in with two small little girls. (They were 13 months apart.) We all introduced ourselves, and after story time I found myself sitting at the craft table with Michelle, the new mom.
She was wearing her youngest daughter in a wrap, so I started picking her brain about which wrap is best. She told me her two favorite "baby wearing" devices are the Moby wrap and the Ergo carrier. We talked a bit more, and she asked me the famed questions every pregnant woman gets.
1. When are you due?
2. What are you having?
When I explained that my due date is tomorrow and that we don't have a clue what we are having, her face lit up. She explained that her trunk was full of winter boy clothing that a friend had given her when she was convinced she was having another boy. When the baby turned out to be a girl, she loaded the clothes up to donate them. She never made it to her favorite place to donate clothes, so she still had the tub and garbage bag full of clothes in the car. She asked it I would be interested in the clothes. I was shocked by her generosity. After all, we had only known each other for about 30 minutes. She assured me that I would be doing her a huge favor. She wanted the space in her trunk back. She just asked that I pass the clothes on to someone who would need them if I couldn't use them once Whatzit arrives. Now I have a trunk full of baby boy clothing. I'm trying not to interpret this unexpected gift as a sign. Could be be having an Isaac? Could God have used this woman to prepare us for a boy since we don't have any boy clothing? Blessing number two.
I got a slight nap this afternoon. The kind of nap where you don't know who you are are where you are when you wake up. Blessing number three.
My final blessing occurred when I was able to make Kenly's tap/ballet open house tonight at Releve. It was so much fun to watch her perform. She would run over and hug her Daddy or me, and we would have to send her back to the performance. She did a great deal of waving and showing off as well. It was too much fun. All I can say is that Ms. Merle has the patience of Job. Those girls were doing official tap and ballet moves. They might have been a bit behind or slightly distracted, but they knew what they were doing. If Whatzit waits, I can't wait to see her Hip Hop open house on Thursday. Blessing number four.
I woke up convinced that my day was going to be a huge struggle because I was so bone-tired, but God had other plans. He kept bolstering my energy and my mood with blessings.
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