Since I'm so behind on blogging, I'm going to try and cover a month at a time. I'll hit the highlights, and then maybe I can keep up better once I catch up. June was pretty low key for us. The month started off with plenty of playdates with friends. Most of the playdates involved trying to stay cool.
Ava came over to play in the sprinkler with us. (Side note: Kenly finally let me put her hair in braids for the first time in June.)
These girls spend most of the time trying to drink the water instead of splashing around.
Can you see the pattern? Different sprinkler....same pose.
The girls also spent some time watering the trees and grass to make sure they would grow.
Meghan took some pictures too, and occasionally they would wander over to admire their beauty.
A bit later in June, we took a day trip to hang out with Jared and Katie Brush at Lake Bowen in South Carolina. We enjoyed good food, good friend, and some good times on the lake (swimming an boating). Kenly met a new friend names Liam, and they got along well.
Meghan and Ava invited us to the pool as well. I had Kenly model her ladybug dress that Papa picked out before we got changed.
We spent most of the morning splashing around in the kiddie pool.
When Ava and Kenly discovered the box of water toys, we had to keep them from filling the pool with treasure.
Believe it or not, these two are learning to share and play with each other. Meghan and I never thought this day would come.
We also went to the pool with Jennifer, Davis, and Drew.
After a hard morning of swimming, we dried off and had a picnic at the pool.
Once Daddy got out of school, we started taking a few day trips. We ventured over to the Davidson River to cool off and swim and play with rocks.
Adam and Kenly built this cool castle out of river rocks. I think it is lovely.
And we can never go play at the Davidson River without stopping for some Dolly's ice cream.
About a week after school let out, Adam took off to West Virginia to hang out with Uncle Jason for awhile. Kenly and I took off to Augusta, GA. It was blazing hot when we arrived. Kenly got out of the car and said, "Why is it so hot in Georgia?" Good question, baby girl. I don't have many pictures from this trip, but these are a few of my favorites.
Kenly spent some time playing with Papa in the garage. She helped search through his treasure to find all kinds of goodies. We have similar pictures of me in the garage with Daddy when I'm out Kenly's age. The only difference is I'm covered in dirt from head to toe.
I love this picture of Kenly removing some dirt from Papa's face.
I love the creativity of a two year old. Who else would think to blow pretend bubbles using a lug nut and a toilet screw as a prop. Oh the wonders that Papa's garage holds.
When pretend bubbles lost their appeal, Nana came to the rescue and came out with some real bubbles.
I love this picture of my Mama. Child-like wonder is an amazing trait at any age. I think I've still got most of mine. Nana still does too.
Catch those bubbles...
When we got back home, we took off adventuring with Daddy again. We took a day trip to Graveyard Fields to see the wild blueberries and the waterfall. Kenly and Adam enjoyed taking a dip in the cold mountain stream. Pregnant Mama kept her feet on a non-slippery surface.
Adam took Kenly out to the base of the lower falls. She thought it was so cool to touch the waterfall. She was not a big fan of the kids splashing all around her. The pictures make it look like we had the place to ourselves, but we were surrounded my a slew of kids on a camp outing.
June went by in the blink of an eye. We had fun easing our way into summer.
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