Right before Easter, Nana and Papa came up for a visit. Adam couldn't get off work to go with me to my first OB appointment, and I was a bit nervous about going by myself. Nana went with me to the doctor, and Kenly had a special date with her Papa. Since Easter was just around the corner, we decided to fill the weekend with lots of Eater activities.
Last year I didn't let Kenly help with coloring eggs. Adam and I did it and let her be an observer. I don't mind a mess, but I don't want everything to change colors permanently. I read a tip in a parenting magazine that assured me that even toddlers can color eggs "mess free" by using a wire whisk to dip the eggs. I was blown away with how well Kenly was able to color a dozen eggs. She had the time of her life watching the white eggs magically transform into works of art.
She was showing her Daddy how pretty her eggs turned out in this picture.
Papa drew her a picture of a bunny on this egg when she wasn't looking by using a white crayon. Kenly loved the "magic" picture.
Her works of art. I tend to be a color purist when it comes to eggs, but I must admit that I liked Kenly's eggs much better than anything I've ever produced.
Kenly loves this princess umbrella that she got for Christmas. Sometimes it makes its way out of the car, and when it does, I have to fight to get it back downstairs.
Nana and Papa brought Kenly an Easter basket full of goodies. One of her favorite gift was a Leap Frog contraption that helps her practice writing her letters. She's getting good at writing a few. Just this morning she produced a recognizable Z and and O. Can I just say that I haven't met a Leap Frog product that I don't like?
We headed to Fletcher Park for a community Easter egg hunt. I thought it would be crowded, so we left a bit early. It was a good thing because every family in our town had the same idea. I've never seen so many kids in one place. In Kenly's age group (1-3), there were at least 100 kids waiting to hunt eggs. An entire baseball field was covered in plastic eggs filled with candy.
Kenly got so excited while waiting to start the hunt. She kept finding eggs.
Getting some loving from Daddy.
When they finally blew the whistle, Kenly took off to find as many eggs as she could. Within two minutes of the whistle blowing, the whole hunt was over. Kenly found six eggs, and she was over the moon with pride. I had to resist the urge to give one mama a piece of my mind. She allowed her child to collect about 12 eggs before the hunt even started, and then she hunted eggs stealing them from the little kids who were trying to get just a few eggs. In what universe is that right?
This picture best captures the pandemonium.
The park mismatched the eggs to make them easier to find. What a genius idea.
My baby bump is showing a bit in this picture. We are working on being a family of four.
Nana and Papa really enjoyed watching Kenly run around.
After lunch, we hid some eggs for Kenly in the backyard. She never tired of hunting eggs. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that we hid/hunted eggs once a day for at least two weeks. It never got old for her. Nana and Papa left after lunch on Saturday.
On Easter morning, Kenly found where the Easter Bunny hid her basket, and she had fun exploring the goodies. She received Leap Frog's Letter Factory DVD. She loves it. She now knows all of her letters sounds. She's even trying to sound out some words. I strongly recommend it to any parent who is trying to teach his/her child the letter sounds. She effortlessly learned every sound.
We all got in our Sunday finest and headed to church. Kenly wore this cute ladybug dress that Nana found at a consignment sale. This picture is grainy, but I love that Benny Bunny had to be in it.
Kenly spent some time throwing stick into the creek.
Daddy took a few pictures of the girls all dolled up.
Nothing beat performing while standing on the bench by the creek.
While we were camping, the lady at the site next to us gave Kenly this cute ladybug clip that is in her hair. She was excited to wear it with her sundress.
Easter was a blessed time of remembering the freedom we have because of Christ's ultimate sacrifice.
1 comment:
I bought the Leap Frog Letter Factory after reading your recommendation. Madelyn loved it! Charlotte, who is Kenly's age, doesn't have much of an attention span, so she made it about halfway through. We'll definitely be watching again:)
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