After I get my allergy injections, Kenly gets to play at Patton Park if the weather is nice. Sometimes we feed the ducks and sometimes we just hit the playground. My baby is a girl now. She's feisty and fierce. She's getting braver by the day. Most of these pictures need no captions.
She's starting to ask to hang from the monkey bars. She doesn't want me to let go, but she's slowly branching out.
The rainbow ladder/bars still freak me out a bit. I'm never far from the actions, but she hasn't needed my help in about a month.
I love that she catches me at the bottom of the slide.
Patton has a lovely sand base. It is not always ideal, but when the weather is warm and we can sink our toes in the sand, it is perfect. Kenly loves making sand castles after she tires of climbing.
The weather is finally becoming more consistent around here. We're having a cold, damp snap right now, but then I think warm weather will be here to stay. We are counting the days until Daddy is home for summer vacation.
Tuck said "Oh pretty baby!" lol. She is gorgeous! Love that outfit!
Beautiful photos!!
Yeah Kenly for being so brave and also enjoying the fresh air and fun!
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