Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hahn's Gymnastics

When we find ourselves facing a blustery, cold day, Kenly and I often frequent Hahn's Gym. Well, if we are lucky enough for the bitter day to fall on a Monday or Friday. The gym offers free play for toddlers from 9:30-11:30. It only costs $5.00 to play for an hour, so we find it to be a splendid bargain. Exploring the gymnastics equipment is a great way for Kenly to burn off some energy on days that playing outside is challenging.

She loves bouncing on the trampoline.

Rolling or kicking the big balls on the springy floor is hours of entertainment.
Or perhaps collecting as many of the smaller balls as she possibly can.
These photos might not be able to capture the motion of jumping, but the position of her pig tails certainly does.

The gym has a tumbling run that ends in a huge foam pit. Kenly has not jumped from the run into the pit, but she loves sliding into the blocks or jumping off the side of the pit.
Where is Kenly?
She's saying, "Help me, Mama. Help me." I've been in this foam pit once or twice and I can honestly say that I struggle to get out. At one point I thought I was going to have to request a crane.
Our friends Meghan and Ava.

Balancing on balls is a fun pastime as well.
The springy floor is a safe place to practice somersaults. I guess I should call it a forward roll since I've now been properly educated.

Kenly soon discovered that she could roll over using the big ball.

Since the floor is springy and cushioned, I don't fear for that precious head of hers.
Kenly and Ava taking a rest. What could they be talking about?
Kenly also takes time to lift a few weights. After all, she has to keep up her toddler physique.

We love exploring Hahn's on days where we'd otherwise be stuck inside looking for ways to expend the loads of energy that Kenly produces every day.

1 comment:

Regina @ Chalk In My Pocket said...

That last shot of your daughter bouncing cracks me up - look at those pigtails! Heehee! What a fun way to spend a winter day, I wish our local gymnastics studio did this!
