The heavens opened once again (just before MLK weekend) in January, and another 6-8 inches of snow fell. We stocked up with all the provisions we'd need to avoid hiking with groceries again. We were "trapped" in the neighborhood for about seven days. Adam, Kenly, and I made 'love bugs' using toilet paper rolls and other crafting supplies. After all, Valentine's Day is right around the corner. I think every day should be filled with Valentine's Day sentiments. Why wait for one day in the dead of winter?
When I took down all the glitz and glamor that Christmas provided, I felt the need to start decorating for the next holiday. Thus a few love bugs.
Kenly created two fanciful bugs with lots of eyes, pom poms, and flower shaped spots. I like to think my bug is reaching out for a hug. Adam's bug stole the show. He created an elaborate lady bug with heart shaped spots.
Private eyes are watching you. Watching your every move.
Well, on second thought, maybe my bug is trying to knock someone out.
Our finished products.
Proudly displayed on the light in the living room.
Notice our Valentine's Day decor in the background--Dollar Tree, baby!
You kids know how to have fun! I love your love bugs. :)
I love how the ladybug turned out!! Ladybugs are a favorite over here:-) Kerri
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