Derek, one of Adam's high school buddies, came to visit in December. He won Kenly over instantly by bringing her chocolate. He came to go to an NFL game with Adam and some other guys in the area. Mother Nature had other plans. The night before their trip to Charlotte about 5-6 inches of snow fell. If you know our neighborhood and surrounding area, you know the guys were not making the game. So, we made the best of the situation by playing in the yard.
Adam was throwing snowballs at Derek as he was making his way across the yard.
Derek trying to make it down the stairs with a bum-leg while dodging snowballs. My husband is relentless.
Kenly is already learning how to throw snowball by watching her Daddy pelt helpless victims like me.
Derek, Adam, and Kenly built quite a few miniature snowmen on the tree stump in the backyard.
Chance had a great time terrorizing a few snowballs as well.
Kenly enjoyed being pulled down the street in her sled.
I love, love, love this picture of my family. Chance hates it when we sled. He runs along the side of the sled and tries to pull us all to safety. I love that both Chance and Kenly have their tongues out in this picture. Love it.
See. I'm not kidding. Chance is always dashing in to save the day.
I love sledding with my girl. Adam loves speed on a sled, and I love a slow gentle glide. Lucky for me, Kenly loves both.
Kenly is helping her Daddy build a snowman in this picture. This is her offering.
After Adam and Kenly built the body, Kenly and I decorated the snowman.
A carrot for a nose. Crayons for the eyes and mouth.
I love kisses from my little girl.
Since Derek was here, we had the opportunity for a rare family photo.
Snuggles in the snow?
A snow day is never complete unless you make a snow angel. Kenly is the master of the snow angel process.
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