Shortly after Kenly's birthday party, we had an unexpected guest pay us a visit. On Sunday, Adam opened the blinds to our bedroom. I heard him calmly say, "Rhonda, bring the camera. There is a bear in the front yard." Kenly and I fetched both cameras, and went to look at the bear who was dining at our bird feeder. Kenly was thrilled with the visitor. Adam and I were excited at first, but then the reality set in. There is a bear in our yard--the same yard our daughter plays in on a daily basis.Every since we moved into this neighborhood, we've heard lore about bears and coyotes. We live in the mountains. We thought it was plausible, but not likely. Up until this year, the most excitement we've had in our back yard involved baby turkeys and phosphorescent moths (not at the same time, of course).
Now the bear has been in our yard twice--once at the back feeder and once at the front. Needless to say, we've emptied the feeders, and we don't plan on rehanging them until this guy decides to take a long winter nap. Every time I step into the yard, I clap really loud to announce my presence. I'm sure I look like the evil girlfriend from Parent Trap, walking through the woods while banging sticks together, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Here is the bear helping himself to some sunflower seeds from our front feeder. He is literally 15 feet away from us at the window.
We startled him and he thought about climbing the tree.
He stopped eating and looked slightly annoyed when I told him he needed to move along. He's munching at the back feeder in this shot.
This is so CRAZY! We really need to come see your "mountain home." Kenly Shae is just beautiful. Glad y'all have had a great summer and good b-day celebration.
We have them here in Florida but we haven't seen any yet. We have wild turkeys, armadillos and families of racoons, but no black bears.
Just stopping by via 5M4M. :-)
You have a cute blog and an adorable family
Wow. I know there are bears around where I live, too, but I have never seen them... scary!
(found you through Mckmama's blog)
Whoa! I like Adam's "Runaway, runaway, but look out for cars."
Luckily we are only encounter turkey, deer, and the occasional lost dog.
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