Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring, Sprang, Sprung

It feels like spring is on the way with all its wonderful splendor and pollen, but I'll take it....I'll take it. I already feel more alive with just an extra hour of light. Since spring is springing around here, I thought I'm spring into action and post a few pictures of the princess. She's ready for some outdoor romping and adventure. These are a few of my favorites from the past few weeks.

Kenly got a camera from the WeeTrade Sale for $1.00. It is actually a ViewFinder, but she doesn't get that quite yet. She loves to say, "Take a pikcha" Smile. Cheese." She then wrinkles her nose in a most adorable fashion and produces the strangest smile I've seen.

She loves watching Toddler Tunes. She stares at the TV in fascination. She can almost sing all of the songs, and she can tell you what comes next when she is watching.

She's learning to love on her baby dolls.

She likes hanging out in the tent Pops got her. It much more fun if you can get Daddy to hang out with you. How cool is Adam? He'll play babies with Kenly, helping her feed them with bottles.
She's getting good at building towers with her Mega Blocks. She is also displaying a bit of OCD when she puts her blocks away. She wants/needs them to be apart. Forget putting the tower in the bag in three large pieces.
She now sleeps with a red pillow. She loves to snuggle on the big bed. Snuggling requires several pillows and the bear blanket. Snuggling with Daddy after work is a new favorite.
We think she is cutting her two year molars. We've been thinking that for over a month now, but we see no progress. She drools like crazy, puts everything in her mouth, and wants to chew on ice pops. She's wishing for warm weather in this picture.
We are seeing the terrible twos emerge about 5 months early. If she doesn't get what she wants, she can be found in this terrible state. Or she might bite, pinch, hit, or throw something. When she is reprimanded, she often pokes out a lip, makes it quiver, and says, "I sorry. I lub. I lub lots." (lub=love)
Life is good. Kenly grows more precious and full of personality every day. Could we be ready for another one?

1 comment:

Jennaug10 said...

We are dealing with the same thing with Makayla, the terrible two's came early for us as well. She gets really mad when I am on the phone and wants to talk, and I let her, but then she won't say anything. So I take the phone and she will throw a royal fit. Sometimes it is tough not to laugh. This too will pass.

Makayla also loves baby dolls. She has so many. One is so well loved I have to try and sneak it away from her and eventually get her a new one. It looks pretty bad.