This is Kenly's first swim in a pool. It lasted about four minutes...when her lips quivvered, we pulled her out and took her upstairs for a warm bath.

Without a child, I might never have known what the beach looks like in the morning. We got up at 6:30AM every morning, so I got to see many a sunrise. It was warm enough that early for her to have a bottle on the balcony. You can tell that she's more interested in the beach than the bottle.

Mops and Pops got Kenly a gold finch to play with, and she smiles every time is chirps. She's totally going to be a bird nerd like her mommy and daddy. If she can love seagull, she'll love every bird. I'm terrified of seagull, but because they made her laugh, I tried to get them around us whenever I could.
That picture of Adam and Kenly on the beach is great. I wanna go to the beach and take picutres. :-(
I love that second one too. I have yet to get any pics even similar to that. The only ones I have of Scott with Jordan are of him sleeping. I always tell him he ruins my pics by being such a sourpuss. Thanks for the Kenly glimpse!
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